mohawk area rugs Floor covering beetle is a common household pest. They feed themselves on naturally occurring materials that are of animal source like hides, made of wool, silk, hair etc. For this reason, carpet beetle infestation is mostly found in stored woolen garments, woolen carpets, stuffed toys, feathers, stored food items and so on. These unwanted pests can cause severe injury to all these items. Just before we talk about floor covering beetle treatment let us collect some information related to the actual characteristics of these harmful insects.

Adult floor covering beetles have an oval-shaped body that is around one-eighth inch long. There are different varieties of carpet beetle. Among them, dark carpet beetle, varied floor covering beetle and furniture floor covering beetle are most commonly found. While a black floor covering beetle can be identified with its dark shiny body, other species of floor covering beetle have colored weighing machines. A female carpet beetle lays about 50 -- 100 eggs on such locations where the larvae can get adequate food. The larvae emerge from the offspring within 10 - 20 days and takes close to one year to become a adult adult. During a carpeting beetle treatment, you have to get rid of both the adults as well as the larvae. This is because the larvae are more harmful in nature.

You have to first check every nook and also corner of the space thoroughly like the space around the baseboard, below the furniture, under rugs, inside closets, and so forth. for carpet beetle infestation. It can be identified with the holes that they make about the fabric or other infested materials. An adult can make uniform holes but the holes made by the particular larvae is irregular in shape and dimension. Once you have noticed these types of signs of infestation, you have to take some prompt motion. If you delay the treatment, their population may grow in no time and may even spread to other elements of your home as well. The key aspects of carpet beetle therapy are as follows:
Vacuum clean all those surfaces thoroughly where you suspect that there could be infestation. It provides area rugs, carpets, padded furniture, storage areas like closet as well as chests, etc. The vacuum cleaner will pull up both the adult and larvae. After that dispose off the vacuum bag.
Those items that are washable should be thoroughly washed in washing machine using hot water as well as laundry detergent. Keep them inside the hot dryer for almost one hour to be able to kill the beetles.
For those goods that cannot be washed, there is a option of dry cleaning or ironing. Otherwise, put them in a zip bag and keep the actual bag in a fridge for 48 hours with regard to black carpet beetle therapy. The cold temperature in the freezer will kill both the adults as well as the larvae effectively.
To completely clean up these household bugs from the carpets and rugs, steam cleaning is a good option available. You can consider the help of professionals or do it on your own for those who have home steam carpet cleaning machine.
Borax powder can easily destroy the caterpillar and adult floor covering beetles really well. Sprinkle this generously on all those areas where you suspect that the beetles are growing.
And then there is heavy pests, you may have to use insecticides for killing these harmful insects. These come in aerosol spray can plus you've got to spray this sparingly on the swarmed areas. Read the label of the product to know about the precautionary steps which you have to follow with all the them. After the therapy, clean up the elements of harmful chemical compounds from the fabric materials by vacuuming, washing or dry cleaning. In case it does not perform, you may have to hire pest management professionals. Hope you have got a brief idea on how to get rid of carpet beetles. Instead of insecticides, people prefer natural carpet beetle treatment as the harmful chemicals present in these products are not safe for your pets and children. Any re-infestation can be avoided with proper sterilization and good house cleaning. While storing those items in storage containers use mothballs to prevent growth of these types of insects.